Estimates show that over the last five years the cost of cyber crime to UK businesses has been an enormous £87 billion.
We know in IT that cyber safety is a major, evolving threat to our systems, data and processes. We’re all too familiar with the latest criminal scams and the potential exposure these would cause to our businesses.
But rarely is that understood by people outside of the IT team. Other than sitting an annual cyber security refresher course, most people don’t give cyber safety another thought.
However, as threat levels increase and crimes become more high profile and in the public domain, many organisations are recognising that they can no longer only invest in technology for prevention, but must also invest in their people.
We help a number of organisations talk to their people about cyber safety in a way that makes sense and develops an understanding of the subject on a personal level. In doing so, we’re able to bring about sustainable behaviour change that positively impacts the individual and the organisation.

Through a combination of education, training and ongoing communications campaigns, we develop communities of cyber safety champions who advocate awareness and best practice within their teams.
Some of the questions we can help you answer are:
What role do our people have to play in protecting the organisation from cyber crime?
How do we share this information with them in a way that makes sense to them?
How can we learn from our people and their experiences?
What is the ask of our people and how do we position this?
Help your people understand the role they have to play in keeping themselves and your organisation cyber secure. We’d be delighted to talk to you more about our cyber safety behaviour change solution.